Thursday, July 30, 2009
Squash is a racquet sport played by two players (or four players for doubles) in a four-walled court with a small, hollow rubber ball. Squash is recognized by the IOC and remains in contention for incorporation in a future Olympic program.
The game was formerly called squash racquets, a reference to the "squashable" soft ball used in the game (compared with the harder ball used in its parent game Racquets (or rackets;)History
Squash developed from at least five other sports involving racquets, gloves, and balls having roots in the early 1500s in France. It's stated that “Squash, with its element of hitting balls against walls, was for entertainment. For example, boys and girls slapped balls in narrow alleys and streets”.
Religious institutions in France, such as monasteries, developed a similar game. Monks used gloves that were webbed to hit balls against a fishing net strung across the middle of the courtyards of the monasteries. This developed the early “racquets” used in tennis and squash. Then in late fifteenth century, tennis was developed and spread to other European nations. The next major development of squash took place in England where the game of "racquets" was developed in Fleet Prison, a debtor’s prison. Similar to tennis, it involved racquets and balls, but instead of hitting over a net as in tennis, players hit a non-squeezable ball against walls. A variation of rackets that also lead to the formation of squash was called fives, similar to handball. Fives was essentially the game of racquets, without racquets (the ball was hit with the hand), played against a wall or walls.
These games gained popularity and were further developed in schools, notably Harrow School in England. The first courts built at this school were rather dangerous because they were near water pipes, buttresses, chimneys, and ledges. The school soon built four outside courts. Natural rubber was material of choice for the ball. Students modified their racquets to have a smaller reach to play in these cramped conditions.
In the 1900s the game increased in popularity with various schools, clubs and even private citizens building squash courts, but with no set dimensions. In April 1907 the Tennis, Rackets & Fives Association set up a sub committee to set standards for squash. Then the sport soon formed, combining the three sports together called “Squash”. It was not until 1923 that the Royal Automobile Club hosted a meeting to further discuss the rules and regulations and another five years elapsed before the Squash Rackets Association was formed to set standards for squash in Great Britain.
The sport spread to America and Canada, and eventually around the globe. Players such as F.D. Amr Bey of Egypt dominated the courts in the 1930s and during the 1980s and 1990s Jahangir Khan of Pakistan won the British Open a record of ten times and Jansher Khan of Pakistan won the World Open a record of eight times.
The 'softball' or 'international' court size was codified in London, England in the late 1920s, at 32 ft (9.75 m) long and 21 feet (6.4 m) wide. The front wall was provided with an "out line" 15 feet (4.57 m) above the floor, connected by a raking "out" line meeting the "out" line on the back wall at 7 feet (2.13 m) above the floor. The front wall also has a "service line" (originally called the "cut line") 6 feet (1.83 m) above the floor with a 19 inch high (48 cm) "tin" acting as a 'net' (originally sheeted with metal in order to make a distinctive sound when hit by the ball). The floor is marked with a transverse "half-court" line and further divided into two rear "quarter courts" and two "service boxes", as shown in the diagram above.
The traditional "American" court for the U.S. game, (now referred to as "hardball squash") is a similar size, but narrower at 18 feet 6 inches (5.64 m). The floor and wall markings differ slightly from the "International" court and the tin is lower, at 15 inches (38 cm) high. However, hardball squash was replaced by softball in America as the standard version of squash and has since almost completely died out.
A "Converted Court" is the result of converting racquetball courts to squash. Racquetball courts are 20 feet (6.1 m) wide and 40 feet (12.2 m) in length, so it is relatively easy to install a back wall, producing a squash court of 20 feet (6.1 m) wide by 32 feet (9.75 m) long.
Playing equipment
Standard rackets are governed by the rules of the game. Traditionally they were made of laminated timber (typically Ash), with a small strung area using natural gut strings. After a rule change in the mid-1980s, they are now almost always made of composite materials or metals (graphite, kevlar, titanium, boron) with synthetic strings. Modern rackets have maximum dimensions of 686 mm (27.0 in.) long and 215 mm (8.5 in.) wide, with a maximum strung area of 500 square centimetres (approx. 90 sq. in.), the permitted maximum weight is 255 grams (approx. 9 oz.), but most weigh between 110 and 200 grams (4-7 oz.).
Squash balls are 39.5 mm and 40.5 mm in diameter, and weigh between 23 and 25 grams.They are made with two pieces of rubber compound, glued together to form a hollow sphere and buffed to a matte finish. Different balls are provided for varying temperature and atmospheric conditions and standards of play: more experienced players use slow balls that are smaller and have less bounce than those used by less experienced players (slower balls tend to 'die'in court corners, rather than 'standing up' to allow easier shots). Depending on its specific rubber composition, a squash ball has the property that it bounces more at higher temperatures. Small coloured dots on the ball indicate its dynamic level (bounciness), and thus the standard of play for which it is suited. The recognised speed colours indicating the degree of dynamism are:
Colour | Speed | Bounce |
Double Yellow | Extra Super Slow | Very Low |
Yellow | Super Slow | Low |
Green or White | Slow | Average |
Red | Medium | High |
Blue | Fast | Very High |
Balls are manufactured to these standards by Prince, Dunlop, Pointfore, Wilson, Black Knight and others. The "double-yellow dot" ball, introduced in 2000, is currently the competition standard, replacing the earlier "yellow-dot" ball. There is also an "orange dot" ball, which is even less bouncy than the "double-yellow dot" ball, intended for use in areas of high altitude such as Mexico City, Calgary, Denver, and Johannesburg. The lower atmospheric pressure at these high altitude regions means that the ball bounces slightly higher, resulting in the need for such a ball.
Other balls available are:
- Dunlop "Max Blue" (aimed at beginners), which is 12% larger and has 40% longer "hang time" than a "double-yellow dot ball" and has "instant bounce"
- Dunlop "Max Progress" (red) (for players wishing to improve their technique), which is 6% larger with a 20% longer hang-time than a "double-yellow dot ball" and has instant bounce
Given the game's vigorousness, players wear comfortable sports clothing and robust indoor (non-marking) sports shoes. In competition, men usually wear shorts and a t-shirt or a polo shirt. Women normally wear a skirt and a t-shirt or a tank top, or a sports dress. Towelling wrist and head bands may also be required in humid climates. Polycarbonate lens goggles are recommended, as players might be struck with a fast-swinging racket or the ball, that typically reaches speeds exceeding 200 km/h (125 mph). In the 2004 Canary Wharf Squash Classic, John White was recorded driving balls at speeds over 270 km/h (170 mph). Many squash venues mandate the use of eye protection and some association rules require that all juniors and doubles players must wear eye protection.
Basic rules and gameplay
The court
The squash court is a playing surface surrounded by four walls. The court surface contains a front line separating the front and back of the court and a half court line, separating the left and right hand sides of the back portion of the court, creating three 'boxes' - the front half, the back left quarter and the back right quarter. Both the back two boxes contain smaller service boxes. All of the floor-markings on a squash court are only relevant during serves.
There are four walls to a squash court. The front wall, on which three parallel lines are marked, has the largest playing surface, whilst the back wall, which typically contains the entrance to the court, has the smallest. The out line runs along the top of the front wall, descending along the side walls to the back wall. There are no other markings on the side or back walls. Shots struck above the out line, on any wall, are out. The bottom line of the front wall marks the top of the 'tin', a half meter-high metal area which if struck means that the ball is out. The middle line of the front wall is the service line and is only relevant during serves.
The players usually spin a racket to decide who commences serving at the start of the match. This player starts the first rally by electing to serve from either the left or right service box. For a legal serve, part of one of the server's feet must be in contact with the floor within the service box while not touching any part of the service box lines (the rest of that foot can reside over the line so long as it is not touching the ground) while striking the ball; after being struck by the racket, the ball must strike the front wall above the service line and below the out line and land in the opposite quarter court. The receiving player can choose to volley a serve after it has hit the front wall. If a server wins a point, the two players switch sides for the following point.
After the serve, the players take turns hitting the ball against the front wall, above the tin and below the out line. The ball may strike the side or back walls at any time, as long as it hits below the out line. It must not hit the floor after hitting the racket and before hitting the front wall. A ball landing on either the out line or the line above the tin is considered to be out. After the ball hits the front wall, it is allowed to bounce once on the floor (and any number of times against the side or back walls) before a player must return it. Players may move anywhere around the court but accidental or deliberate obstruction of the other player's movements is forbidden. Players typically return to the center of the court after making a shot.
English scoring system
The scoring system is based on a “serving” system, in which one must gain the serve to obtain a point. Having the serve is sometimes considered to be on “offense”. The opponent (who does not have the serve) is considered to be on the defensive and must score to win the serve and then score again to gain a point.
Points are awarded if, during the course of play:
- The receiver fails to strike the ball before it has bounced twice
- The receiver hits the ball out (either on or above the out line, or on the tin)
- The receiver fails to hit the front wall with the ball before the ball has bounced
- Stroke: where the receiver obstructs the server during the point (see “Interference and Obstruction”)
Where the server does any of these things, or fails to hit the serve in, then the players change roles and the receiver will serve the next point, but no points are awarded.
Games are usually played to 9 points (alternatively, the receiver may opt to call "set two" and play to 10 when the score first reaches 8-8). Competition matches are usually played to "best-of-five" (i.e., the player to win the most out of 5 games). As the title suggests, this scoring system is preferred in Britain, but also among countries with traditional British ties, e.g. Australia, Pakistan, South Africa, India.
American scoring system
Alternatively, in the point-a-rally scoring system (PARS), points are scored by the winner of each rally, whether or not he or she served. Traditionally, PARS scoring was up to 15 points (or the receiver calls 15 or 17 when the game reaches 14-14). However, in 2004, the PARS scoring was reduced to 11 for the professional game (if the game reaches 10-10, a player must win by two clear points). PARS is now used on the men Professional Tour, and the tin height has been lowered by two inches for the men professional tournaments (these changes have been made in a hope to shorten the length of the rallies and therefore the match). The women Professional Tour uses the original tin height, but started using the PARS to 11 scoring system as of July 2008. In the International game, club, doubles and recreational matches are usually played using the traditional British scoring system, but the European Squash Federation (ESF), World Squash Federation (WSF) and several national federations are now using PARS to 11 on a trial or permanent basis. Scoring systems and rules can be adapted subtly to accommodate shorter game time or multiple players.
The referee is usually a certified position issued by the club or assigned squash league. The referee has dominant power over the squash players. Any conflict or interference is dealt with by the referee. The referee may also issue to take away points or games due to improper etiquette regarding conduct or rules. Refer to “Interference and Obstruction” for more detail.
Types of shots played
There are many types of shots played that lead to interesting games and strategy.
1. Straight drive or 'rail': The ball is hit parallel and close to a side wall to travel deep to the back of the court (the 'basic' squash shot). Often referred to as a 'good length' shot.
2. Boast (or angle): The ball is played off a side wall at an angle, or the back wall, before hitting the front wall.
3. Volley: The ball is hit 'on the full' (before it touches the floor), usually directly to the front wall
4. Drop Shot: The ball is hit gently against the front wall, to fall softly to the floor in the front corner.
5. Lob: The ball is hit softly and high on the front wall and with a high arc, so that it falls in a back corner of the court.
6. Cross Court: The ball is hit to the front wall from the right side to the left (or vice versa).
7. Kill: The ball is hit hard and low on the front wall so that it travels no farther than half court.
8. Trickle Boast: A 'short' boast where the ball is hit to the side wall at the front of the court (often disguised as a drive or drop shot).
9. Squeeze Boast: A more difficult shot which is hit from the front of the court when the ball is very close to the side wall. Has the same effect as the trickle boast but is more deceptive because of its difficulty.
10. Skid Boast: The ball is hit high to the side wall near the front wall so that it travels cross court and falls in the opposite back corner.
11. Nick Shot: the ball is 'volleyed' or hit off a bounce, cross court and with power to strike the front wall then the junction of the side wall and floor (the 'nick'). When hit well, the ball will have little or no bounce or roll along the floor (this is a more advanced shot that is a variation of the kill shot).
Strategy and tactics
A common strategy is to hit the ball straight up the side walls to the back corners referred to as a "rail," straight drive, wall, or "length", then move to the centre of the court near the "T" to be well placed to retrieve the opponent's return. Attacking with soft or "short" shots to the front corners (referred to as "drop shots") causes the opponent to cover more of the court and may result in an outright winner. "Angle" shots are used for deception and again to cause the opponent to cover more of the court.
A key strategy in squash is known as "dominating the T" (the intersection of the red lines near the centre of the court where the player is in the best position to retrieve the opponent's next shot). Skilled players will return a shot, and then move back toward the "T" before playing the next shot. From this position, the player can quickly access any part of the court to retrieve the opponent's next shot with a minimum of movement.
Rallies between experienced players may involve 30 or more shots and therefore a very high premium is placed on fitness, both aerobic and anaerobic. As players become more skilled and, in particular, better able to retrieve shots, points often become a war of attrition. At higher levels of the game, the fitter player has a major advantage.
Ability to change the direction of ball at the last instant is also important to off-balance the opponent. Expert players can anticipate the opponent's shot a few tenths of a second before the average player, giving them a chance to react sooner.
Interference and obstruction
Interference and obstruction are an inevitable aspect of this sport, since two players are confined within a shared space. Generally, the rules entitle players to a clear view of the ball after it has struck the front wall, reasonable access to the ball, a reasonable swing and an unobstructed shot to any part of the front wall. When interference occurs, a player may appeal for a "let" and the referee (or the players themselves if there is no official) then interprets the extent of the interference. The referee may elect to allow a let and the players then replay the point, or award a "stroke" (either a point or the right to serve) to the appealing player, depending on the degree of interference, whether the interfering player made an adequate effort to avoid interfering, and whether the player interfered with was likely to have hit a winning shot had the interference not occurred. An exception to all of this occurs when the interfering player is directly in the path of the other player's swing, effectively preventing the swing, in which case a stroke is always awarded.
When it is deemed that there has been little or no interference, the rules provide that no let is to be allowed, in the interests of continuity of play and the discouraging of spurious appeals for lets. Because of the subjectivity in interpreting the nature and magnitude of interference, the awarding (or withholding) of lets and strokes is often controversial.
When a player's shot hits their opponent prior to hitting the front wall, interference has occurred. If the ball was travelling towards the side wall when it hit the opponent, it is usually a let. However, it is a stroke to the player who hit the ball if the ball was travelling straight to the front wall when the ball hit the opponent. An exception to all of this occurs when the the player hitting the ball has "turned", i.e., let the ball pass him on one side, but then hit it on the other side as it came off the back wall. In these cases, the stroke goes to the player who was hit by the ball.
Cultural, social, and health aspects
There are several variations of squash played across the world. In the U.S. hardball singles and doubles are played with a much harder ball and different size courts (as noted above). Hardball singles has lost much of its popularity in North America (in favour of the International version), but the hardball doubles game is still active. There is also a doubles version of squash played with the standard ball, sometimes on a wider court, and a more tennis-like variation known as squash tennis.
The relatively small court and low-bouncing ball makes scoring points harder than in its American cousin, racquetball, as the ball may be played to all four corners of the court. Since every ball must strike the front wall above the tin (unlike racquetball), the ball cannot be easily "killed". As a result, rallies tend to be longer than in racquetball.
Squash provides an excellent cardiovascular workout. In one hour of squash, a player may expend approximately 600 to 1000 calories (3,000 to 4,000 kJ), which is significantly more than most other sports and over 70% more than either general tennis or racquetball. The sport also provides a good upper and lower body workout by utilising both the legs to run around the court and the arms and torso to swing the racquet. In 2003, Forbes rated squash as the number one healthiest sport to play. However, some studies have implicated squash as a cause of possible fatal cardiac arrhythmia and argued that squash is an inappropriate form of exercise for older men with heart disease.
Squash around the world
According to the World Squash Federation, as of June 2009, there were 49,908 squash courts in the world, with 188 countries and territories having at least one court. England had the greatest number at 8,500. The other countries with more than 1,000 courts, in descending order by number were Germany, Egypt, the United States of America, Australia, South Africa, Canada, Malaysia, France, the Netherlands, and Spain.
As of June 2009, there were players from nineteen countries in the top fifty of the men's world rankings, with Egypt and England leading with eleven each. The women's world rankings featured players from sixteen countries, led by England with eleven.
The men's professional squash tour and rankings are run by the Professional Squash Association (PSA). The equivalent body for women is the Women's International Squash Players Association (WISPA).
Players and records
The (British) Squash Rackets Association conducted its first British Open championship for men in December 1930, using a "challenge" system. Charles Read was designated champion in 1930, but was beaten in home and away matches by Don Butcher, who was then recorded as the champion for 1931. The championship continues to this day, but has been conducted with a "knockout" format since 1947.
Since its inception, the men's British Open has been dominated by relatively few players: F.D. Amr Bey (Egypt) in the 1930s; Mahmoud Karim (Egypt) 1940s; brothers Hashim Khan and Azam Khan (Pakistan) 1950s and 1960s; Jonah Barrington (Great Britain and Ireland) and Geoff Hunt (Australia) 1960s and 1970s; Jahangir Khan (Pakistan) 1980s; and Jansher Khan (Pakistan) 1990s.
The women's championship started in 1921, and has similarly been dominated by relatively few players: Joyce Cave and Nancy Cave (England) in the 1920s; Margot Lumb (England) 1930s; Janet Morgan (England) 1950s; Heather McKay (Australia) 1960s and 1970s; Vicki Cardwell (Australia) and Susan Devoy (New Zealand) 1980s; Michelle Martin (Australia) 1990s; and Sarah Fitz-Gerald (Australia) 1990s and 2000s.
Heather McKay, with her lengthy and absolute dominance of the game (she remained undefeated for 18 years during the 1960s and 1970s), is undoubtedly the greatest woman player of all time.
Because of its traditions, the British Open has been considered by many to be more prestigious than the World Open, which began in the mid-1970s. However, some have shown concern about the ability of the former to sustain its prominence, citing its failure in 2005 to attract top players, probably due in part to the disparity in prize money. In 2005 the combined men and women prize money for the British Open came to $71,000, compared with the 2005 World Open's prize money, estimated to be about $270,000.
Former world number one Peter Nicol has stated that he believes squash has a "very realistic chance" of being added to the list of Olympic sports for the 2016 Olympic Games.
The current number 1 rank is held by Karim Darwish of Egypt in the men's competition. and Nicol David of Malaysia in the women competition.Currently there is no international standard method (other than for professional players) for evaluating skill levels for players.
Wider acceptance
Squash players and associations have lobbied for many years for the sport to be accepted into the Olympic Games, with no success to date. Squash narrowly missed being instated for the 2012 London Games. It is again up for consideration for the 2016 Summer Games along with baseball, softball, rugby sevens, karate, golf, and roller sports. Up to two sports will be added to the Olympic programme which will be decided at the IOC assembly in October 2009. Currently there is a 28-sport ceiling and 26 sports are guaranteed to be included in the 2016 Summer Games. Squash has kicked off their bid at the 2008 Hi-Tec World Championships with Jahangir Khan, President of the World Squash Federation, leading the way.
Squash is played throughout the world, and is similar to tennis in skills and fitness requirements, but the principal limitation has always been the difficulty in observing the sport as a spectator, either in person or on television. The ball travels so quickly that television audiences are hard-pressed to follow the action, even though some tournaments have attempted to remedy the problem by using a specially coated ball for increased visibility. To maximize the viewing audience at tournaments, promoters often use an all-glass court that is designed to permit spectators to be seated around all four walls but is specially tinted so as not to distract the players. Because of these viewer restrictions, professional squash players earn vastly less than their counterparts in the tennis world.
Popular culture
The 1980 novel Boast by Miles Donald revolves around the game of squash.
In the TV sitcom "Frasier", squash was a game Frasier and his brother Niles would play.
In the movie Wall Street, Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) and Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen) play a game of squash.
In the television series "Friday Night Lights", Coach Eric Taylor and "Smash" Williams play a game of squash, which Smash describes as the "whitest sport ever".
In the novel Digital Fortress by Dan Brown David Becker's hobby is playing squash.
In the 2005 novel Saturday by Ian McEwan, Henry Perowne plays a regular weekly squash game.
In the 1981 movie Outland, Marshal William T. O'Niel (played by Sean Connery) plays squash alone and against his female ally, Doctor Lazarus (Frances Sternhagen)
.Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The turmoil surrounding the engagement of Sania Mirza, shown here with her childhood-friend-turned-fiance, is among the zany off-court topics addressed in our latest gossip roundup
Rules variations(tennis)
Rules variations
Name | Description |
No-ad | The first player or doubles team to win four points wins the game, regardless of whether the player or team is ahead by two points. When the game score reaches three points each, the receiver chooses which side of the court (advantage court or deuce court) the service is to be delivered on the seventh and game-deciding point. |
Pro set | Instead of playing multiple sets, players may play one "pro set". A pro set is first to 8 (or 10) games by a margin of two games, instead of first to 6 games. A 12-point tie-break is usually played when the score is 8-8 (or 10-10). These are often played with no-ad scoring. |
Match tiebreak | This is sometimes played instead of a third set. This is played like a regular tiebreak, but the winner must win ten points instead of seven. Match tiebreaks are used in the Hopman Cup for mixed doubles, on the ATP and WTA tours for doubles and as a player's choice in USTA league play. |
Another, however informal, tennis format is called "Kiwi doubles", "Canadian doubles" or "cut-throat". This involves three players, with one person playing a doubles team. The single player gets to utilize the alleys normally reserved only for a doubles team. Conversely, the doubles team does not use the alleys when executing a shot. The scoring is the same as a regular game. This format is not sanctioned by any official body.
"Australian doubles", another informal and unsanctioned form of tennis, is played with similar rules to the "Kiwi" style, only in this version, players rotate court position after each game. As such, each player plays doubles and singles over the course of a match, with the singles player always serving. Scoring styles vary, but one popular method is to assign a value of 2 points to each game, with the server taking both points if he or she holds serve and the doubles team each taking one if they break serve.
Wheelchair tennis can be played by able-bodied players as well as people who require a wheelchair for mobility. An extra bounce is permitted. This rule makes it possible to have mixed wheelchair and able-bodied matches. It is possible for a doubles team to consist of a wheelchair player and an able-bodied player (referred to as "one-up, one-down"), or for a wheelchair player to play against an able-bodied player. In such cases, the extra bounce is permitted for the wheelchair users only.
Tennis is a sport played between two players (singles) or between two teams of two players each (doubles). Each player uses a strung racquet to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt (most of the time Optic Yellow)[1] over a net into the opponent's court.
The modern game of tennis originated in the United Kingdom in the late 19th century as "lawn tennis" which has heavy connections to the ancient game of real tennis. After its creation, tennis spread throughout the upper-class English-speaking population before spreading around the world. Tennis is an Olympic sport and is played at all levels of society at all ages. The sport can be played by anyone who can hold a racket, including people in wheelchairs. In the United States, there is a collegiate circuit organized by the National Collegiate Athletic Association.
The rules of tennis have changed very little since the 1890s. Two exceptions are that from 1908 to 1960 the server had to keep one foot on the ground at all times, and then the adoption of the tie-break in the 1970s. A recent addition to professional tennis has been the adoption of electronic review technology coupled with a point challenge system, which allows a player to challenge the line (or chair) umpire's call of a point.
Tennis enjoys millions of recreational players and is also a hugely popular worldwide spectator sport, especially the four Grand Slam tournaments (sometimes referred to as the "majors"): the Australian Open, the French Open, Wimbledon, and the US Open.
Rules of Badminton

The rules of badminton states that a toss shall be conducted before a game starts. If you win, you can choose between serving first or to start play at either end of the court. Your opponent can then exercise the remaining choice.
Scoring system
The rules of badminton states that a badminton match shall consist of the best of 3 games. In doubles and men's singles, the first side to score 15 points wins the game. In women's singles, the first side to score 11 points wins the game.
If the score becomes 14-all (10-all in women's singles), the side which first scored 14 (10) shall exercise the choice to continue the game to 15 (11) points or to 'set' the game to 17 (13) points.
The side winning a game serves first in the next game. Only the serving side can add a point to its score.
Recently IBF have been testing a new scoring format of 21 points per game on all major Badminton competition and decided to replace the old format permanently.
Change of ends
The rules of badminton states that you have to change ends with your opponent after finishing the first game. If a third game was to be played, you shall change ends when the leading score reaches 6 in a game of 11 points or 8 in a game of 15 points.
Rules of Badminton - Singles
Serving and receiving courts
You shall serve from, and receive in, the right service court when you or your opponent has scored an even number of points in that game.
You shall serve from, and receive in, the left service court when you or your opponent has scored an odd number of points in that game.
You and your opponent will hit the shuttle alternately until a 'fault' is made or the shuttle ceases to be in play.
Scoring and serving
You score a point and serve again from the alternate service court when your opponent makes a 'fault' or the shuttle ceases to be in play because it touches the surface of your opponent's side of court.
No points will be scored when you make a 'fault' or the shuttles ceases to be in play because it touches the surface of your side of court. The serving right will then be transferred to your opponent.
Rules of Badminton - Doubles
At the start of the game, and each time a side gains the right to serve, the service shall be delivered from the right service court. Only your opponent standing diagonally opposite of you shall return the service.
Should your opponent's partner touched or hit the shuttle, it shall be a 'fault' and your side scores a point.
Order of play and position on court
After the service is returned, either you or your partner may hit the shuttle from any position on your side of the net. Then either player from the opposing side may do the same, and so on, until the shuttle ceases to be in play.
Scoring and serving
If you are serving or receiving first at the start of any game, you shall serve or receive in the right service court when your side or your opponent's side scored an even number of points.
You shall serve from or receive in the left service court when your side or your opponent's side has scored an odd number of points.
The reverse pattern shall apply to your partner.
In any game, the right to serve passes consecutively from the initial server to the initial receiver, then to that initial's receiver's partner, then to the opponent who is due to serve from the right service court, then to that player's partner, and so on.
You shall not serve out of turn, receive out of turn, or receive two consecutive services in the same game, except as provided in service court errors and 'lets'.
Service court errors
A service court error has been made when a player has served out of turn, has served from the wrong service or standing on the wrong service court while being prepared to receive the service and it has been delivered.
If a service court error is discovered after the next service had been delivered, the error shall not be corrected. If a service court error is discovered before the next service is delivered, the following rules apply.
If both sides committed an error, it shall be a 'let'. If one side committed the error and won the rally, it shall be a 'let'. If one side committed the error and lost the rally, the error shall not be corrected.
If there is a 'let' because of a service court error, the rally is replayed with the error corrected. If a service court error is not to be corrected, play in that game shall proceed without changing the player's new service courts.
The rules of badminton consider the following as faults:
- If the shuttle lands outside the boundaries of the court, passes through or under the net, fail to pass the net, touches the ceiling or side walls, touches the person or dress of a player or touches any other object or person.
- If the initial point of contact with the shuttle is not on the striker's side of the net. (The striker may, however, follow the shuttle over the net with the racket in the course of a stroke.)
- If a player touches the net or its supports with racket, person or dress, invades an opponent's court over the net with racket or person except as permitted.
- If a player invades an opponent's court under the net with racket or person such that an opponent is obstructed or distracted or obstructs an opponent, that is prevents an opponent from making a legal stroke where the shuttle is followed over the net.
- If a player deliberately distracts an opponent by any action such as shouting or making gestures.
- If the shuttle is caught and held on the racket and then slung during the execution of a stroke.
- If the shuttle is hit twice in succession by the same player with two strokes.
- If the shuttle is hit by a player and the player's partner successively or touches a player's racket and continues towards the back of that player's court.
- If a player is guilty of flagrant, repeated or persistent offences under Law of Continuous Play, Misconduct, Penalties.
- If, on service, the shuttle is caught on the net and remains suspended on top, or, on service, after passing over the net is caught in the net.
'Let' is called by the umpire, or by a player (if there is no umpire), to halt play.
A 'let' may be given for any unforeseen or accidental occurrence.The rules of badminton consider the following as 'lets':
- If a shuttle is caught in the net and remains suspended on top or, after passing over the net, is caught in the net, it shall be a 'let' except on service.
- If, during service, the receiver and server are both faulted at the same time, it shall be a 'let'.
- If the server serves before the receiver is ready, it shall be a 'let'.
- If, during play, the shuttle disintegrates and the base completely separates from the rest of the shuttle, is shall be a 'let'.
- If a line judge is unsighted and the umpire is unable to make a decision, it shall be a 'let'.
- A 'let' may occur following a service court error. When a 'let' occurs, the play since the last service shall not count and the player who served shall serve again, except where in situations where the Law of Service Court Errors is applicable.
Shuttle not in play
A shuttle is not in play when it strikes the net and remains attached there or suspended on top.
A shuttle is not in play when it strikes the net or post and starts to fall towards the surface of the court on the striker's side of the net.
A shuttle is not in play when it hits the surface of the court or a 'fault' or 'let' has occurred.
Continuous play, misconduct, penalties
Play shall be continuous from the first service until the match is concluded, except as allowed in intervals not exceeding 90 seconds between the first and second games, and not exceeding 5 minutes between the second and third games.
Officials and appeals
The referee is in overall charge of the tournament. The umpire, where appointed, is in charge of the match, the court and its immediate surrounds. The umpire shall report to the referee. The service judge shall call service faults made by the server should they occur. A line judge shall indicate whether a shuttle landed 'in' or 'out' on the line or lines assigned. An official's decision is final on all points of fact for which that official is responsible.
An umpire shall:
- Upload and enforce the Rules of Badminton and, especially, call a 'fault' or 'let' should either occur.
- Give a decision on any appeal regarding a point of dispute, if made before the next service is delivered.
- Ensure players and spectators are kept informed of the progress of the match.
- Appoint or remove line judges or a service judge in consultation with the referee.
- Where another court official is not appointed, arrange for that official's duties to be carried out.
- Where an appointed official is unsighted, carry out the official's duties or play a 'let'.
- Record and report to the referee all matters in relation to continuous play, misconduct and penalties.
- Take to the referee all unsatisfied appeals on questions of law only. (Such appeals must be made before the next service is delivered, or, if at the end of the game, before the side that appeals has left the court.)
basketball Tips
Remembering the BEEF is good wayto learn to become a better foul shooter. BEEF stands for... B-balance-get on the foul line and get your balance. E-eyes-see the rim. E-elbow-try to get your elbow under the basketball F-follow thru-an essential part of all shooting. Make sure you follow thru with a constant, relaxed release.
Basketball - In Its Simplest Form
You don't need a lot of space to practice your ball handling - if you want to practice, just start dribbling! It is important to practice dribbling without looking at the ball, but you can practice anywhere. You can sit in a chair, dribbling back and forth from hand to hand - you can dribble up and down a hallway, and you can always head outside! Just remember to keep your eyes up, and work on your off hand twice as much as you do your strong hand!!
Agility Training for Speed
There are many ways to increase your speed through agility training. For the most effective workout, vary your exercises between classic sprint training, and more advanced agility training drills and equipment. Let's cover classic training with windsprints, which have always worked to increase speed and agility. Start from one baseline and sprint to the closest freethrow line and back. The move on to the halfcourt line and back. Next is the far free throw line and back. And finally the opposite baseline and back. Make sure you sprint at all times and that when you reach each line, you bend down and touch the line with both hands. Performing this speed agility training exercise correctly will definitely help your game.Conditioning Exercises to Prepare For Basketball
You must be conditioned for whatever activity you´re doing if you´re going to do it to the best of your ability. There are different types of conditioning for different professions. A deep-sea diver has different conditioning requirements from a sales person. A surgeon has different physical conditioning requirements from a food server. You must add to physical conditioning mental and moral conditioning. You must identify your conditioning requirements and then attain them. Without proper conditioning in all areas, you will fall short of your potential. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. It is impossible to attain and maintain desirable physical condition without first achieving mental and moral conditionImprove Your Shooting with Basketball Shooting DVDs
Repetition is the key to improving your shooting. There are many basketball shooting DVDs out there to help you with technique. But no basketball DVD can make you go outside and shoot 1,000 shots a day. If you need help with your technique, find a shooting DVD that can instruct you on how to fine-tune your shot. After honing your technique, get a ball and a hoop and shoot, shoot, shoot. Larry Bird said that when he was young, he would shoot over 1,000 shots a day, from all over the court. That worked pretty well for him, wouldn't you say? If you want to improve your shooting, practice, practice, practice.Basketball Training Equipment that Will Make the Difference
Too many training regimens don't provide you with a real return for your time and effort. For basketball training, this is for too often the case. The effectiveness of your training is grounded in good planning and better equipment. Basketball training equipment such as stretch bands for passing exercises can age over time. Since the best training equipment doesn't change too often, it is important to get the equipment that will last through several seasons. Quality training equipment will make the difference in your game.
Basketball Videos that will Help Your Game
If you are like most, you learn the best through visual learning and instruction. To help you, there have been many basketball videos developed that will assist you in bettering your skills. Whether you want to learn how to dribble better or shoot better, professional trainers have the videos for you. Since the days of black and white film, there have been basketball training videos covering passing, defense, ball-handling, and much more. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Figure out where the weakness is in your game and get a training video that fits your needs.Choosing the Right Basketball Equipment
When choosing your basketball equipment, think about your needs. Are you looking for a hoop for your driveway? Do you need coaching equipment for a whole team? There are many stores and merchants who specialize in basketball equipment and supplies. Determine what your goals are and then shop around. If you need equipment for outdoor play, you will want basketball equipment that will weather better. For indoor play, wear and tear is not as much of a concern. Choosing the right basketball equipment is just a matter of figuring out your needs.Basket ball

Women's basketball
Women's basketball began in 1892 at Smith College when Senda Berenson, a physical education teacher, modified Naismith's rules for women. Shortly after she was hired at Smith, she went to Naismith to learn more about the game.Fascinated by the new sport and the values it could teach, she organized the first women’s collegiate basketball game on March 21, 1893, when her Smith freshmen and sophomores played against one another. Her rules were first published in 1899 and two years later Berenson became the editor of A.G. Spalding’s first Women's Basketball Guide, which further spread her version of basketball for women.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cash Awards Ceremony in connection with 3rd Commonwealth Youth Games, 1st Asian Beach Games and Beijing Paralympics 2008 was held on 10th February 2009 at 1600 hours at Jinnah Hall, Pakistan Sports Complex, Islamabad.
Pir Aftab Hussain Shah Jilani, Minister for Sports was the Chief Guest on the occasion. The Chief Guest awarded cash prizes of Rs.17,80,000/- to the medal winners and coaches. Syed Amir Hamza Gilani, Director General, Pakistan Sports Board presented welcome address and apprized the audience about the games and medal winners. Mr.Muhammad Anwar Khan, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Sports, Syed Zakir Hussain, Ex-DG, PSB, concerned Honorary Secretaries and Presidents of the Federations attended the ceremony.Pakistani players won 2-Silver and 1 Bronze medals in the 3rd Commonwealth Youth Games held at Pune, India from 12-18 October 2008, 1st Asian Beach Games were held at Bali, Indonesia from 18-26 October 2008 and Pakistan won 2-Gold in Handball and Wrestling, 2-Silver in Kabaddi and Wrestling and 3-Bronze in Bodybuilding and Wrestling. Mr.Haider Ali, special sportsman won first ever Silver Medal in Long Jump in Beijing Paralympics held from 6-17th September 2008.
Cash prizes of Rs.2,00,000/-, Rs.1,00,000/- and Rs.50,000/- each were awarded for winning gold, silver and bronze medal respectively in the Individual Games while prize criteria for Team Sports was Rs.50,000/-, Rs.30,000/- and Rs.15,000/- for gold, silver and bronze medals each respectively. Coaches were paid Rs.1,00,000/-, Rs.50,000/- and Rs.25,000/- for winning Gold, Silver and Bronze medals respectively.